Save the date: invitation to the final event of the CI-NERGY European research project

  • by Rédaction
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  • le 2017-09-04 20:16:17
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  • vus 1999

OCEN is involved in the European research programme “Ci-Nergy, smart cities with sustainable energy systems”, Geneva being one of the two test areas, along with Vienna.

The CI-NERGY project is nearing completion and we invite you to the final event which will take place on Thursday 27 and 28 September, 2017 in Geneva, specifically:

- at the Maison Internationale des Associations on 27/09 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm for the opening conference,

- and at the Pôle Energie Bâtiment the rest of the time for thematic workshops.

The objective of this event will be to present the main results of the project and the applications in the test cities to the scientific community and to local stakeholders in the sectors concerned.

More generally, this will be an opportunity to discuss the theme of energy in towns and the usefulness of models for system planning and operating.

For more information and to sign up, please click here. NB: The number of places is limited

 Energie Ecologie industrielle smart cities