The State of Geneva is committed to the "smart canton” concept in collaboration with companies

As part of its Cantonal 2030 economic strategy, the State of Geneva has chosen to invest in a smart city incentive broken down into "smart cantons". Operationally, this approach aims to optimize needs and resources in the area on issues such as transport or energy, based on new information technologies.

Today, a smart parking management pilot project is being developed in the municipality of Carouge in collaboration with three technology companies located in the canton of Geneva:

  • IEM SA (Ingénierie Electronique et Monétique) active in the field of parking,
  • LEM, an electronics specialist,
  • The research centre of the Dupont Group


The company has been active in the field of parking for 25 years and develops and manufactures sensors fixed to the ground that allow motorists to locate available spaces, pay online and remotely manage their parking time.

One of the interesting features of the sensors is that they are wireless connected to energy-independent solar terminals.

 “Our success in solar energy is due to our low-consumption, custom-built components," explains Philippe Menoud, director of IEM. We produce everything: from mechanics designed to withstand high temperature fluctuations or humidity, to software for putting machines on standby".

It should also be pointed out that R&D has significantly reduced the environmental footprint of the devices manufactured by the company.
They are eco-designed, guaranteeing 97% recyclability without energy sources, or 94.7% including them, for ranges of PLCs. They help minimize the weight of hazardous materials, especially lead (replaced by an air cell as a backup device in winter )

With its expertise in electronic banking, "IEM has made itself a place among the five or six other competitors vying in countries like Belgium, where it is the leader, France, where it is number two, and the UK and Spain", says IEM’s creator, Edouard Menoud.

For more information:

Joint press release from the Department of Environment, Transport and Agriculture (Département de l’Environnement, des Transports et de l’Agriculture - DETA) and the Department of Security and Economy (Département de la Sécurité et de l’Economie - DSE)

IEM’s sustainable development commitment

 Coopération Efficacité énergétique Energie Expérimentation Mobilité Recherche et Développement Recyclage Smart City