WIPO GREEN: the platform dedicated to eco-innovation

  • by Rédaction
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  • le 2018-05-08 19:19:51
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  • Genie.ch
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  • vus 3362

The World Intellectual Property Organisation has begun the WIPO GREEN  platform to encourage innovation for sustainable development. 

It offers a freely accessible database and networks users to facilitate collaboration and speed up investments. The site links companies needing innovation with people offering innovations. It also makes it possible to find experts in several economic fields such as business development, copyright, etc.). 

The site is potentially a powerful tool, but its impact will depend on the activity of its users: the greater the number of ads for technology or needs, the more likely the connections are to succeed. 

Technologies fall into the sectors of construction, chemistry and materials, energy, agriculture and forestry, waste and pollution, eco-design, transportation and water.

The platform was joined by the Swiss organisation CleantechAlps in April

 eco-innovation technology network platform construction transport construction energy materials chemistry agriculture forestry waste pollution water