Circular Economy Incubator : Swiss-wide call for early-stage Startups

  • par Rédaction
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  • le 2019-10-21 09:35:20
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  • vus 2053

Are you passionate about transforming Geneva into a more circular city? ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION TO A CIRCULAR ECONOMY

The Circular Economy (CE) Incubator enables teams and startups to prototype and develop solutions contributing to accelerate the transition towards Circular Economy in Switzerland.

During the program, the selected entrepreneurs work on developing their minimum viable product (MVP) and validating their business model, with the support from advisors, experts and our network of impact investors. 

During 12 weeks, the participants will benefit from several elements of support that will empower them to bootstrap an MVP and validate its market potential with customers. By the end of the program, the entrepreneurs should be able to stop looking at their startup as a side-project and more as their full-time job.

The entire support provided by the CE Incubator accounts for CHF 15.000 per team. The CE Incubator has a zero equity and fees policy. This means you will not be charged anything for your participation in the incubator and the idea you grow stays entirely yours.

Discover the timeline of the program : 

Application deadline 2019 December 15th !

Source, more details and application : Impact Hub Geneva, 21.10.19


 Ecologie industrielle Innovation Incubateur Appel à projet Programme économie circulaire startups appel à inscriptions circular economy incubator