Save the date: Climate Change and the post-COP21 dynamics

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  • le 2017-02-02 09:19:01
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Thursday 9 February 2017 at 18:15

at Auditorium Louis-Jeantet, Rte de Florissant 77, 1206 Genève

with Prof. Martin Beniston, IPCC, co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, Professor of Climate Science and Head of the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva.

and Prof. Salvatore Di Falco, Professor of Environmental Economics and Director of the Institute of Economics and Econometrics at the University of Geneva.


We will examine the latest updates on climatic change and its impacts, based on a number of concrete case-studies. This will involve for example water resources, use, and allocation. Furthermore, while we acknowledge that the COP21 agreement which was negotiated in December 2015 and ratified in November 2016 by sufficient nations in order to enter into force is an encouraging signal, there are still significant obstacles along the way. In particular, the post-Obama US administration, with a president and Congress hostile to the very concept of change, may or may not decide to pull out of the Paris accord. In addition, the fact that current commitments do not enable to reach the “1.5°C target”, nor do the economics of fossil fuels that are still too cheap to encourage a sustained transition to non-fossil energies, suggest that there are major challenges ahead. We shall therefore take a look at some of these obstacles and assess whether there is still room for optimism in the medium-to-long term future.

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 cop21 climate change